Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Labour News: Firefighters vs. City of Vancouver

Firefighter contract dispute going to arbitration

Vancouver/CKNW(AM980) 4/29/2008

The head of the Vancouver firefighters union says the city is taking their contract dispute to arbitration - something Rod MacDonald says could cost taxpayers upwards of one-million dollars because there are 20 to 30 outstanding issues.

MacDonald says the city is offering a wage hike of 13% over 5 years, which is 4-and-a-half per-cent below the Cupe settlement last summer. The city's 800 firefighters have been without a contract for over a year.

On another subject, MacDonald says fire engines are still using their sirens in yaletown - contrary to the silence the mayor wanted several months ago. "I don't want this day to turn into another debate on something as silly as the sirens and the use of it. But there's no explicit directives come down from the fire chief himself and the status quo remains."

For a Good Cause:

2008 Greater Vancouver Hall of Flame Charity Calendar
The Greater Vancouver Fire Fighters featured in this years calendar appear at various fundraisers all with the purpose to promote the calendar in support of the Burn Fund and various other charities including the CKNW Orphan's Fund.

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