Monday, October 17, 2011

Workplace Happiness & Leadership Tips

Some articles that resonated for me.

The 5 Drivers of Happiness
Jessica Pryce-Jones, The Source, The Wall Street Journal.


Our empirical research, involving 9,000 people from around the world, reveals some astonishing findings. Employees who report being happiest at work:

  • Stay twice as long in their jobs as their least happy colleagues
  • Spend double their time at work focused on what they are paid to do
  • Take ten times less sick leave
  • Believe they are achieving their potential twice as much

And the “science of happiness at work” has big benefits for individuals too. If you’re really happy at work, you’ll solve problems faster, be more creative, adapt fastest to change, receive better feedback, get promoted quicker and earn more over the long-term.


1. Contribution

2. Conviction

3. Culture

4. Commitment

5. Confidence

Read the whole article here.


10 Secrets of Successful Leaders

Kara Ohngren, Entrepreneur, Oct. 17, 2011.


Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader, a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves.”

1. Assemble a dedicated team.
2. Overcommunicate.
3. Don’t assume.
4. Be authentic.
5. Know your obstacles.
6. Create a 'team charter.'
7. Believe in your people.
8. Dole out credit.
9. Keep your team engaged.
10. Stay calm.

Read the whole article here.

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